Classic Africa

Primate Trekking

Few experiences in the natural world can prepare one for the moment that you come face to face with one of our closest genetic relatives. Whether trekking for gorillas or chimpanzees, the basic principles are the same:

A certain level of physical fitness is required and trekking typically involves steep terrain along uneven, muddy trails, with thick undergrowth. Altitude can be a factor with mountain gorillas and chimps (8,000'-14,000') whereas biting insects are often associated with lowland gorillas.

Gorillas and chimps can be viewed by humans for a maximum of one hour every day.

Maximum number of guests per tracking excursion is 8.

No food or drinks can be consumed close to the gorillas.

Smoking is not allowed.

Do not litter.

Spitting in the Park is strictly prohibited

When with the gorillas or chimps, please keep your voice low. Do not make rapid movements that may alarm them.

Should you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and turn away from the primates.   

Minimum age for primate viewing is 15 years – this is for reasons of safety but also for possible disease transmission, with children under this age more prone to infection.

To minimize possible transmission of human diseases, visitors are asked to maintain a distance of 7 meters (22 feet) from the primates. Guests that display cold, flu or other respiratory tract symptoms will not be allowed to track primates.