Classic Africa

Safari Spotlight: The Great Zam-Babwe Safari


During the peak season months of June through October, travelers are often surprised at the cost of a quality Botswana safari - Botswana has very much been "discovered" by international travelers, and there simply are no "deals" during the peak season timeframe: an incredible experience, unquestionably, but be prepared to pay for it. For more budget-conscious travelers, Botswana is still outstanding value during the shoulder season months but, if you can only travel during the peak season and are looking for a similar safari experience without the Botswana premium, we have for some time been recommending Zambia and Zimbabwe as outstanding alternatives.

Luxury African Safaris - The Great Zam-Babwe SafariWith this in mind, we are pleased to introduce the Great Zam-Babwe Safari, an 11 day journey through three of southern Africa's most contrasting, wildlife-rich, and scenically beautiful ecosystems, ending with a night in Victoria Falls. Diversity is the watchword for this safari with landscapes ranging from savanna grasslands to vast floodplains and the spectacular Zambezi Valley; travelers will have the possibility of seeing the "Big Five" as well as myriad other species, with no less than 13 different activity options in the course of the safari (from canoeing to hot air ballooning, and everything in between). Click here for more information on this exciting new safari offering.

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