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Sighting of the Quarter


Silverback Gorilla Caught on Camera

Beautiful, luxurious Bisate Lodge, perched on an eroded volcanic crater with endless views of misty volcanoes in the distance, is an ideal launching point for trekking within Volcanos National Park in search of the elusive mountain gorilla, now numbering just over 1,000, but still endangered.




Recently a gorilla was spotted on the Bisate property. "We have never been as proud and excited to announce an animal-related story since Bisate Lodge opened," says camp General Manager, Jason Glanville. 'It has taken five years of perseverance and hard work by our agronomy and reforestation teams. On the 21st of June at about midday, a silverback mountain gorilla was captured by one of our camera traps towards the northern section of the property.



'What makes this so special', Jason continues, 'is that this bachelor of sorts may have been scouting a new area to see what resources were here, and also if there was any competition (there wasn't). As the tracker following him for the day reported, the silverback made his way across the farmlands to our north and went down into the large volcanic crater on our property. He then spent an hour feeding and exploring the crater.


"This is an incredible milestone on our journey to reforest the area, and provide more space for these animals to survive. We hope he comes back with the rest of his family in future" (see the camera trap footage here).

Running for Wildlife, with Wildlife

On the 18th of September, the Timbavati Traverse for Rhinos ultra-marathon took place in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, South Africa. The run began at 6:00am and was off to a great start with the group encountering a herd of giraffes immediately after the runners set off. The route was scenically beautiful and at every waterhole a station was set up with water, snacks, and even beer. Some of the exciting animal sightings over the 45km distance included lion, ostrich, honey badgers, zebra, wildebeest, steenbok, some very relaxed elephant bulls, and then (fittingly) a rhino! Team Kings Camp, comprised of field guides, raised R72, 913 (approximately USD$5,208) for the cause. All proceeds from the runner's entry fee, the money raised in raffle prizes, and all donations will go towards protecting the area's rhinos through anti-poaching initiatives.


Also on the 18th of September Lewa Wilderness Camp rangers in Kenya took part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge which united field guides across 20 African countries. They participated in events such as a push up challenge, a sit up challenge and finished with a 21km half marathon across the conservancy. According to a participant: "Wildlife Rangers see no relief in sight, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact Africa's communities and wildlife. The pressures on Africa's protected areas threaten to compromise decades of development and conservation success through the elimination of essential funding for wildlife protection that comes from tourism and through an increase in poaching." The Lewa rangers completed their 21km run carrying 22kgs each in 2 hours 29mins and 11 seconds.


World African Wild Dog Day

As leaders in the conservation of Africa's wildlife, Wilderness Safaris safeguards the endangered African wild dog for 365 days every year. August 26th, however, marked the day that the world celebrated this enigmatic predator on World Wild Dog Day!






Often referred to as the "painted wolf," the wild dog is the most persecuted predator on the continent. A century ago, approximately 500,000 painted wolves roamed across most of Africa, but today – due to habitat loss and fragmentation – their declining population is estimated at less than 7,000 individuals, concentrated in southern Africa.

Vigorous conservation efforts have succeeded to create ideal breeding grounds for several packs, making it possible to view them from a number of Wilderness camps.


Wild Dog can often be sighted at Chikwenya Camp in Zimbabwe. Read Tug of War at Chikwenya, when a pack of African wild dogs fought for their kill against hyena. Botswana is also known for its Wild Dogs. Click here for guide and photographer Dennis Smith's photos of the newest addition to the Hunda pack at Tubu Tree Camp. The Motsumi Pack of 15 African wild dogs has been spotted near Letaka Pan, a short three minute drive from Mombo CampVumbura Plains features the Golden Pack named for its distinctive gold patterning, recently sighted with seven pups in tow.

Sightings of these boisterous canines bring excitement to any safari in southern Africa, and if you are fortunate enough to find them on a hunt ... make sure your seatbelt is buckled tightly!


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