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Wildlife and Community Updates


Jericho, the brother of Cecil the Lion - shot as a trophy by an American dentist prompting international outrage - has been found dead under a bush in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park where last year's controversial hunt took place.  Jericho is thought to have died of natural causes following reports that he was looking frail.


Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge managers were invited to attend the celebration of the years' accomplishments of SACOLA (Sabyinyo Community Lodge Association). Festivities included the opening of 6 new classrooms, a new administrative center, and the presentation of 40 cows to the "one cow one family" program.



Project Luangwa is helping children improve their mathematics by using trained coaches, rather than busy teachers, and tablets rather than textbooks.  Additional learning  takes place outside of core lesson times - anytime, anywhere - off-line and off grid. After baseline testing pupils embark upon an individual journey of learning through exercises, videos and games, monitored through a central hub.


Rhinos Without Borders (RWB) continues to make great strides as it aims to move as many rhinos as possible from the threat of poaching in South Africa to the wilderness of Botswana. The RWB target is 100 rhinos and the third batch has recently been successfully relocated, taking the total number to 38. From the 38 there have already been 7 calves born in Botswana (new rhino-citizens) and it is suspected that at least 4 more are pregnant.  RWB is a partnership between Great Plains Conservation (Zarafa and Duba Plains Camp), the eco-tourism industry, community partners, governments and private individuals who have come together for the sake of saving this species.

Sighting of the Quarter - Meet Musira
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