Classic Africa

Sefofane to the Rescue....


In September 2008, Poster Mpho, the chief rhino monitoring officer at Mombo Camp in Botswana, reported that he had found Dimpho (the first white female rhino calf born to the Botswana Rhino Relocation Project) with a deep wound in her left shoulder.

Specialists were immediately mobilized to fly into the area to assess the extent of the injury. Sefofane Botswana generously provided an aircraft to fly Dr Rob Jackson (veterinarian), the Anti-Poaching Unit (APU), and Glynis Humphrey (of Wilderness Botswana's Environmental Department) into Mombo to attend to Dimpho.

Altogether, this was a great example of cooperation for conservation, with the Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks working together with the private sector to provide treatment for an endangered species.

Regional Recipe: Apricot Blatjang (Dried Apricot Chutney) - South Africa
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