Classic Africa



Community Involvement in the Livingstone Area - Luxury Zambia VacationsCommunity involvement is a vital component of all ecotourism ventures and is in full swing in the greater Livingstone area of Zambia where both Toka Leya Camp and the River Club have long-term reciprocal relationships with the nearby villages of Sinde and Simonga. Informative village visits by camp guests have raised both awareness and meaningful contributions, which have greatly assisted the communities’ quality of life. In the past year, two solar pumps, four water tanks and two water troughs were donated to Sinde while the Simonga Health Post has been connected to an important water source that delivers over 13,000 gallons of clean water to 4,000 inhabitants. Other innovative donations included solar study lamps for students in Simonga School’s top class and 11 solar-powered computers to Twabuka Community School in Sinde Village.

The Nedbank Tour de Tuli - Community Support in Southern AfricaThe Nedbank Tour de Tuli is a renowned, premier mountain bike tour through some of southern Africa’s most pristine wilderness that raises funds for Children in the Wilderness. Over the last 10 years, the tour has hosted approximately 2,370 cyclists and raised R11.6 million, which has allowed approximately 4,500 children the opportunity to learn about the complex eco-system and the value of preserving and conserving it for future generations. The 2014 Tour was the best yet, raising a record breaking R2.5 million. Now in its 11th year, the Tour de Tuli has become a firm favourite on the annual mountain cycling calendar and promises both a challenging and rewarding experience for all participants. Click here to watch a short video from the 2014 event and please let us know if you are interested in riding in the next tour, 13-18 August.

Project Luangwa - Educational Sponsorships in Zambia

Kids in Zambia fully understand that education is their only means to escaping poverty. However, once they leave primary level grades many drop out of school as it is at this point that fees must be paid and proper shoes, uniforms and supplies be purchased. Each year Project Luangwa arranges school sponsorship for well over 100 pupils and has recorded what a few students think of the program. Please click here for a moving example.

The David Rattray Foundation continues to make a difference to the children in the 17 schools it supports in KwaZulu Natal. The foundation strives to ensure that the children from "deep rural" communities get as good a start in life as the public education system can provide by ensuring that they are not disadvantaged by the remoteness or low levels of development of the area from which they come. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

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