Classic Africa

Inspirational New Conservation Project



We were very excited recently to be approached by the Great Plains Foundation to partner on a project to move over 3,000 endangered animals - including elephants, lions, and wild dogs - from Zimbawe's Savé Valley Conservancy (where there were insufficient resources to support them) to the vast Sapi Reserve on the banks of the Zambezi River.  Click Here for a brief summary of Project Rewild Zambezi.



Apart from the obvious benefit of saving thousands of wild animals from possible death, the project is an enormous learning opportunity, and could provide a road map for future mass translocations from areas where wildlife is locally over-populated to new habitat where wildlife numbers are depleted. Few people realize that even endangered species such as elephants and rhinos are over-abundant in certain pockets in Africa, and it would be enormously beneficial to the species and the local habit if excess numbers could be moved to new homes.




Various organizations and stake holders, local and international, are participating in the initiative, and the research component is being overseen by Oxford University's Zoology Department alongside the University of Washington-Seattle's Center for Environmental Forensic Science.

Project Rewild Zambezi is going to be one of the largest wildlife translocations ever undertaken, and we at Classic Africa are proud and humbled to be partnering in this visionary initiative! We are working on itineraries that would enable clients to be at Tembo Plains Camp to participate in the release when the animals arrive at their new home - Tembo Plains only has five rooms, and demand is going to be very high, please Click Here if you would like to receive information once dates are finalized. And please Click Here if you would like to consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the project - we have set up a unique link for Classic Africans, and will match all donations from our clients (within reason ).

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