Classic Africa

Education, Education, Education!



For several years, Classic Africa has supported children across East and southern Africa with their education, via various scholarship programs, but the Maa Trust's Scholarship Project stands out to us as particularly proactive and communicative. Four students that we sponsor through the Trust recently completed a nine-day holiday camp for children in Kenya, and they sent us hand-written letters (with photos) describing their experiences. 

The children were taught on social and conservation themes. The social lessons concerned the safe use of social media and how to protect oneself from social media 'predators'. The conservation theme focused on indigenous trees and their importance on the Mara ecosystem. The children were also trained on how to start and maintain a kitchen garden to supplement food at their home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond. Seedlings were provided to help them start their projects at home. Prizes will be awarded for the best garden. 


If you would like to learn more about the Maa trust and how you can support students on their educational journey, please click here

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