Classic Africa

Conservation and Community News



Over the past year the Seychelles White-eye population on North Island has grown by over 20%, with 115–127 individuals recorded in the 2017 survey, exhibiting both a higher average group size and number of groups compared to 2016. This is an incredible result, which is testament to the ongoing success of North Island's Noah's Ark rehabilitation program.


In a bid to further reduce its environmental impact Little Governor's Camp, Maasai Mara, Kenya, has upgraded its system and is now running on 100% solar energy. A carbon counter has been installed at reception, which provides a running tally of the carbon saved.





The South Luangwa National Park in Zambia was recently declared the world's first International Sustainable Park for Tourism Development by the UNWTO - the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. Explore the Luangwa from Puku Ridge, Tafika and Tena Tena.






 The Great Grevy's Rally will take place on the Borana Conservancy in Kenya at the end of January. The Grevy's zebra has suffered one of the most drastic population declines of any African mammal, due to climate change, habitat loss and competition with livestock. Since the 1970's the population has dropped from an estimated 15,000 to fewer than 2,500 individuals. The Rally will provide a census of the current population, which in turn will aid the Grevy's Zebra Trust and their conservation partners to safeguard the future of this endangered species.

Around 1 million plastic bottles are sold worldwide every minute, and many of these pollute our oceans and wilderness areas. In an effort to avert this environmental crisis the Bushcamp Company (Kuyenda and Chamilandu), South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, has introduced re-usable, biodegradable drinking bottles at their camps and, as a result, has reduced consumption of bottled water by approximately 20,000 bottles per year, creating an impressive example for others to follow.

Out of 17 countries in East and Southern Africa, Zambia has the lowest numeracy rates and in rural areas only 0.9% of grade 6 pupils are numerically competent. Edulution to the rescue! Educator Michael Wray founded a program of self-paced learning using tablets and young coaches that operates alongside a pupils' core lessons, called Edulution. May 2017 saw the start of the first Edulution center of 300 pupils at Mfuwe Primary School in the South Luangwa and the improvements have been astounding. To learn more visit Project Luangwa, which can be visited from Tafika Camp.

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