Classic Africa

The Hoaruseb Lion Pride, Skeleton Coast, Namibia


Lion Pride Farewell at the Skeleton Coast - Southern African Conservation


We are very sad to report that Namibia's Hoaruseb lion pride at the Skeleton Coast has lost the ongoing struggle to survive adjacent to human populations. The pride has been completely eradicated in just over one year - its three males shot during 2010 and its three remaining lionesses poisoned on 10 July 2011 (click here to learn more about Namibia's lions).


These unique, desert-adapted lions had become resident in one of the world's harshest and most remote landscapes - the Hoaruseb River Canyon - thereby gaining international recognition among conservationists and tourists alike.

The eradication of the Hoaruseb pride marks a serious setback for Namibia's lion population and community-based conservation efforts in the region. Dr. Flip Stander, a lion researcher who developed a close bond with the Hoaruseb pride during his dedicated research on the animals over the past years, remarked that "efforts over the past five years by the Purros Conservancy, the tourism industry and conservation organizations to conserve the Hoaruseb lions and develop sustainable tourism activities, were enormous. But, in the end, the efforts were not enough."

With a population decline of thirty to fifty percent over the past two decades in Africa, the lion is considered "vulnerable", with an increasingly bleak outlook for the "King of the Beasts". The unfortunate demise of the Hoaruseb pride highlights the importance of ongoing lion conservation efforts such as the Kafue Lion Project that Classic Africa supports in Zambia's remote Kafue National Park.

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