Classic Africa

Conservation News


Sociable Weaver colonies, endemic to the Kalahari ecosystem, are being extensively studied by the Tswalu Foundation based at Tswalu Kalahari Lodge, South Africa. Sociable Weaver colonies are one of the largest structures built by birds and communal nests can be home to 300+ individuals! The nests are remarkably efficient, providing occupants a thermal buffer to the extreme desert temperature fluctuations, which make them attractive to other bird species, such as African Pygmy Falcons. Africa's smallest raptor depends completely on weaver structures for roosting and nesting. But they are a potential predator of their weaver hosts - do falcons provide benefits or costs to weavers? This question, and many others, are being explored by the Sociable Weaver - Pygmy Falcon project, supported by the Tswalu Foundation. 


The unfenced wilderness of the Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe, is home to elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, rhino, cheetah, kudu, hippo, crocodiles, a number of fish species and much more. During the chaotic land seizures of the early 2000s the area was hard hit by poaching and wildlife numbers decreased dramatically. To combat this MAPP (the Matusadona Anti-Poaching Project) was formed as a joint initiative with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA), The Tashinga Initiative Trust, and Changa Safari Camp. MAPP has been working tirelessly to stop poaching and illegal fishing in the Matusadona area and preserve Zimbabwe's heritage. Education has played a primary role in the organizations success.


Singita Pamushana Lodge, located on the 130,000-acre Malilangwe Reserve, Zimbabwe, partners with the Malilangwe Trust every year to co-host an internationally renowned course on Chemical and Physical Restraint of African Wildlife. The course originated in Zimbabwe more than 30 years ago when the Government Veterinary Service (GVS) was asked to train National Parks personnel in safe wild animal capture. The course represents the culmination of ideas, knowledge, and experience gained over the last three decades and is designed to benefit both the wildlife industry in southern Africa as well as other professionals from around the world working with captive or free-ranging wild animals. The objective is to educate wildlife health and management professionals in the science and art of wildlife capture, which will benefit the preservation of wildlife populations in Africa and worldwide.



While we do not condone the use of drones for wildlife photography, we do applaud their use for animal conservation. In an effort to end rhino and elephant poaching, the Air Shepherd Indiegogo project is up and flying. 



Bushman's Kloof, South Africa, strives to become as eco-friendly and self-sufficient as possible. Raised garden beds have been constructed in a walled garden to grow herbs, fruit and vegetables, and a poly tunnel is planned to increase the amount of produce cultivated. Game management on the reserve is another essential venture to maintaining a fine balance between the various species. Done by way of live game capture to reduce numbers in the reserve, with the help of Cape Nature, a qualified capturing team and a veterinarian, Bushman's Kloof will be relocating some Eland and Cape Mountain Zebra from the property this month. Over the next couple of years they will also be introducing new animals into the existing gene pool.

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